The Director and top management of Kirandich Water Company, Baringo County visited us on 07/11/2019 for a bench-marking exercise aimed at learning best management practices in the sector. The team had a chance to learn on first hand basis. They were taken through the processes of installation of advanced technology in as far as production, metering, billing and other aspects of water and sewer treatment are concerned. They also had a chance to witness fish farming practiced in our treated sewer water ponds. They were impressed by the level of ingenuity the company had applied in reusing every drop of water received at the Kangemi sewer treatment plant. The team also visited Kamakwa water treatment plant to witness the high quality of water produced there. They had a chance to drink the water directly from the tap!! The team thanked the Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company ltd Board of Directors, Senior Management and all staff for the hospitality they were accorded and for the willingness to share our business acumen with our peers in the sector.