Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Limited Board of Directors, Senior Management and a Consultant engaged through a strategic partnership between the company and Dedan Kimathi University of Technology completed a two-day strategic planning workshop in Nakuru on 19th February 2021. During the workshop, the management appraised the board of directors on flagship projects planned to be undertaken during the implementation of the strategic plan for the planning period 2021/22- 2025/26. The strategic plan being formulated will take effect in July 2021 after the expiry of the current strategic plan 2016/17- 2020/21 which has successfully shaped the strategic direction of the company for five years.

The Directors led by the Chairman Patrick Munuhe and the County Government of Nyeri represented by the Chief Officer in the department of Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Sanitation Pauline Ndegwa and the County Executive Committee Member (CEC) Fredrick Kinyua participated in robust discussions on priority projects that the company would undertake during the next five years so as to improve service delivery of quality water and sanitation services to the residents of Nyeri Central Sub County.