Did you know that water theft through illegal connections or meter by-passes, self connection after cut off for non- payment is a criminal offence punishable by law? The following penalties applies:
1. ILLEGAL CONNECTION: Commercial, Industry, Construction fraud- Sh. 100,000 plus estimated consumption during the period of illegality.
3. SELF CONNECTION after cut off for non payment Sh. 5000 and billing backdated from date of cut off.
These penalties have been set by Water Services Regulatory Board (The Kenya Gazette No. 2188 ) to deter water theft and failure to pay may lead to a jail term.
Last week, a man was who was involved in water theft was caught by our security & investigation department whose mandate is to weed out the vice. He was taken to Central Police Station where he was booked and is out on cash bail. He is required to pay for the penalty and billing backdated from the date of cut off. The total sum has escalated way above what he owed before the illegal connection and failure to pay will lead to criminal charges being brought against him. It is not worth the trouble. Get a legitimate water connection to avoid these penalties. Our team is on the ground verifying all water and sewer connections.
We urge our customers to report to us any case of water theft, illegal water and sewer connections, illegal discharge of waste water in un-designated points, meter vandalism and theft to the nearest police station or to us through the following communication channels:
1. Facebook@nyewasco
2. Twitter@watee_nyeri
3. Toll free phone number 0800721095
4. Phone number 0734732481
Email info@nyewasco.co.ke
Let’s stop mwizi together. Help us serve you better.