Dear Board of Directors, Staff and Stakeholders

Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Ltd is pleased to unveil the mid-term reviewed 5th Strategic Plan, for the years 2021/22 – 2026/27. The Strategic Plan is a roadmap towards growing the Company and the realization of its core mandate which is the provision of Water and Sanitation services.

It articulates our journey towards attaining 100% water coverage and 50% Sewered Sanitation coverage in our service area which has a total population of approximately 235,000 and land area of approx. 324km2. This Strategic Plan has taken cognizance of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Kenya’s Vision 2030 (MTP IV), the Water Act 2016 and the County Integrated Development Plan (2022 – 2027) and has been aligned to the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

Implementation of the Strategic Plan is geared towards achievement of universal access to water and sanitation as defined in the Sustainable Development Goal No. 6. The document has been prepared through internal and external engagements of key stakeholders and focuses on seven Key Results Areas which include: Corporate Governance; Financial Sustainability; Service Delivery; Low Income Areas (LIA) residents; Human Resource Capacity; Environmental Awareness and Sustainability; and Partnerships & Collaborations.

I must acknowledge the role and dedication of the Management team in ensuring that our Company continually adds value to our customers and the stakeholders. For the last 26 years, we have seen the Company grow exponentially. We have secured a strategic position with our water service provision level earning high recognition and being ranked as the best managed Water Services Provider in Kenya for the last 15 years in a row.

Additionally, we have managed to secure an eight-year operation license from the Regulator. Thus, in my opinion, the Company is stronger and has the momentum to grow now than at any other time in its history. This reviewed Strategic Plan intends to provide a framework that would propel the Company to international levels in provision of water and sanitation services.

During the two-and-half years of the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2021/22 – 2023/24, I must acknowledge that the Strategic Plan has been successfully implemented and has shaped the direction of the company forthwith.  The foundation of this plan is our Vision and Mission Statements and it is the responsibility of every stakeholder to ensure the Company remains competitive through establishment of sustainable service systems.

I look forward to the next three years of its implementation and I am confident that we will make great strides together in enhancing the future of the Company.

CPA Gathogo Mwangi, Chairman – Board of Directors, Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Limited.