Dear Colleagues and Stakeholders,

It is my pleasure to present to you the future of the company. Our economy as a country is at a critical stage especially in the light of the effects of post COVID-19 Pandemic. The Company is expected to play a critical role in provision of clean, safe water and sanitation services to the residents of Nyeri town and its environs. In addition, the Company is committed to contribution for the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 6, Social pillar under Vision 2030, Nyeri County Integrated Development Plan (2022 – 2027) and the Strategic Objectives which are paramount to the success of the Company.  This creates the need for deliberate effort and focus on meeting and exceeding our customers’ expectations, strengthening our systems to continually monitor and evaluate our service delivery mechanisms.

In the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2021/22-2026/27, the Company has made various strides: expanding water and sanitation services infrastructure including extensions in LIA; reducing NRW to below 16%; maintained number one ranking in performance for 15 years in a row by WASREB; maintained ISO 9001:2015 Certification; maintained ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accreditation for water quality and meter calibration services; earned global recognition as the best of the best performing water service providers in Eastern and Southern Africa as ranked by the Eastern and Southern Water and Sanitation Regulators Association (ESAWAS); maintained revenue collection  greater than 98% of the billing across the period and made significance progress in collection of the arrears; and  implementation of the new tariffs.

However, the Company experienced a number of challenges including: budgetary constraints; vandalism and illegal connections; constrained and aging water supply and sanitation infrastructure; a single water source in the Aberdare forest; increasing cost of water production (chemical and energy); and environmental degradation.

Despite these challenges, the Company is determined to propel its service provision to more competitive levels. The recently reviewed Strategic Plan provides a road map and a guide to address these challenges with the aim of achieving universal access to water and sanitation services within the company’s area of service.  Our Vision, Mission, Motto and Values are paramount to the achievement of the seven Key Results Areas spelt out in the Strategic Plan. These will be achieved by embracing the principles of good governance, ensuring the company is financially sustainable, innovation and adoption of new technology for enhanced service delivery, and remaining customer focused.

The set of strategic objectives, strategies and activities spelt out in the reviewed Strategic Plan when implemented should enable the Company to meet and exceed our stakeholders’ expectations. We salute the staff of the Company for all the past and current achievements and we are committed to the implementation of this reviewed Strategic Plan through embracing a fit-for-purpose culture that befits realization of the Company’s strategic goals.

I therefore take this opportunity to thank the County Government of Nyeri, the Company Board of Directors, the Management Team, staff, our esteemed Customers, all stakeholders and partners for their support in achievement of the Company’s Strategic objectives and call for support in the implementation of the company’s goals. Presently, the company has embarked on an ambitious exercise of upgrading sections of the water supply network.

This involves replacing old dilapidated pipes to HDPE pipes which are not only stronger but also reduce the number of joints thus promoting our fight against Non-Revenue Water (NRW). We pride ourselves to holding the record of the lowest NRW country presently which stands at 16% compared to the National average of 47% according to Water Services Regulatory Board’s The Impact 15 (A performance Report of Kenya’s Water Services Sector- 2021/22). The challenge is on us to reduce this NRW percentage even further hence increasing the amount of water that reaches to our customers’ homes as we strive to maintain the exemplary services we offer.

The company has been the sector leader for the last 15 years. We recognize and appreciate the effort of those who came before us, gave their all and set the pace for the future. The strategic plan (2017-2021) achieved up to 91% of its objectives overall with the remaining 9% being brought forward to the current planning period. Our collective responsibility is to ensure that we implement it to the letter.

God Bless NYEWASCO, God Bless us all.

Eng. Peter G. Kahuthu, The Managing Director, Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Limited.