Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Ltd received a Conditional liquidity support grant through the Water Services Trust Fund from the World Bank and other development partners to finance operating costs to ensure efficient water supply during the Covid 19 emergency response interventions. A short grant agreement signing exercise was conducted on 04/02/2021 at Maji house which houses the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation offices in Nairobi.
NYEWASCO has been playing a critical role in the fight against the spread of Covid 19 since its outbreak early last year. The company constructed 64 free hand washing points in strategic places such as bus stops, health facilities among others targeting members of public to increase access to clean running water for hand washing in an effort to mitigate the spread of Covid 19. The company in consultation with the County Government of Nyeri also waved water bills for customers in low income area of Witemere in Nyeri town in the month of April 2020 to enable the residents to combat the spread of the Corona virus by maintaining high standards of sanitation. The free hand washing points are active to date. Proper hand washing with soap and running water has been identified as one of the effective methods of combating the spread of Covid 19 virus by the World Health Organization.
During the ceremony, cabinet secretary in the ministry of Water,Sanitation and Irrigation Cicily Kariuki reiterated the national government’s commitment to increase water and sanitation coverage in the country to 80 and 40% respectively up from water coverage of 69% and sanitation coverage of 26 %. This target is set to be achieved in one calendar year. The cabinet secretary urged all stakeholders to work together since the achievement of the targets will take concerted efforts.