The Board of Directors, Management and staff of NYEWASCO would like to appreciate our esteemed customers for their continued support through payment of water bills. This has greatly assisted the company to sustain its operations hence ensuring continuous supply of clean and quality water and also effective waste water management during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Company recognizes and appreciates that even with the difficult season facing the country, our esteemed customers found it fit to include their water bill on their list of priority bills.
Water is an essential commodity and we are committed to ensure that our customers have sufficient supply especially during this time where washing hands with clean running water could save our life.
We urge you to continue your partnership with us during and post the Corona Virus period.
As informed earlier, we have acquired a Toll free number 0800721095 which you can reach out to us for any complaint or compliment. Kindly report any water or sewer bursts spotted. This will help us have more water to deliver to your household as well as maintain a clean environment for all through efficient waste water management.