The Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company (Nyewasco) has unveiled a new strategic plan that seeks to steer the service provider to greater heights. The 2021/2022- 2025/2026 Strategic plan is a key milestone for the over two decade-old water service provider. Incorporated in 23rd September 1997, Nyewasco can trace its birth to the late 1950s. The first infrastructure was set up in 1959. However, for now Nyewasco has only one water source which is the Chania River. “We have to credit our fore bearers, the visionary engineers who came up with the idea and infrastructure that we now rely on because we are building on what they set up decades ago,” Eng. Kahuthu noted. The Nyeri Water Supply Project was the flagship project, for the company which was largely supported by German Technical Cooperation through GTZ in its establishment. Nyewasco undertook the project in early 2004, that ensured the construction of the treatment plant which increased water production from 6,000 cc to a capacity of 27000cc. The project also improved the water quality provided by the company which is one of the reasons, the company has been propelled to the best water service provider in Kenya for over 12 years. While water provision has 98 per cent coverage for over 100,000 residents. plans to be implemented in the 5-year strategic plan.

The company has remained committed to its core values which are; customer service, ownership, environmental consciousness, continual improvement, teamwork & efficiency, research & innovation and corporate social effectiveness. According to Eng. Kahuthu, the company attributes one of the key factors contributing to her success to the support from the County Government of Nyeri under the stewardship of H.E Governor Mutahi Kahiga. “I am grateful for the support accorded to us by Nyeri Governor H. E Mutahi Kahiga in terms of provision of financial resources and implementation of projects, while allowing us to carry out our mandate without interference, which has led to the gradual growth of Nyewasco,” noted Eng. Kahuthu. In addition, Eng. Kahuthu noted that Nyewasco’s exemplary performance can be attributed to the good leadership by the late MD CPA Peter Gichaaga, who grew the company to greater heights jointly with the board of directors.

“Together with a formidable team, supportive board of directors who provide the company with the necessary oversight to carry ou our duties,” noted Eng. Kahuthu. Further, Nyewasco attributes her continued success to the excellent performance of all its members of staff. They are well acquainted with their responsibilities for efficiency and effectiveness and are continually motivated through training and team building activities.

“Nyewasco has incorporated technology in terms of communication and payments, which has significantly improved our services, especially during these Covid-19 times. We have also adopted the new systems in the market that have heavily reduced our wastage for instance, in non-revenue water, we have maintained the non-revenue water at 15percent and in billing systems, the technology has enabled us to serve our customers with minimal errors and at their convenience,” added Eng. Kahuthu.


The company has faced, financial constraints with the main issue being inadequate fund mobilization for projects, without any subsidies, the company relies on internally generated funds and support from the County Government and National Government. Lack of adequate water storage threatens water security for the company because the l There is a need for a Strategic Water Reservoir to address this challenge, Nyewasco the Company is working closely with the National Government through TWWDA & CGN to realize the vision of constructing a Mega Dam/ Multipurpose Dam (Muhoya Dam) at Zaina Forest.

Also, Nyewasco is working to overcome, the high energy costs increasing the business risk, hence prompting the company to explore alternative energy sources including solar energy and Hydro-Power. In 2017, the Company celebrated 20 years since it was incorporated, and also the previous strategic plan, for 2016/17- 2021/2022. This strategic plan underwent a midterm review and they noted, they have implemented 85 per cent of the strategic objectives. However, the plan expires in June 2021, and therefore there is a need for the introduction of the new strategic plan to propel the company to meet its goals in the coming five years. Truly, Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company have lived true to its mission, which is ‘To provide quality water, sewerage and allied services at commercially and environmentally sustainable levels’. The key strategic themes are Corporate Governance, Financial Health, Service Delivery, Low[1]income Areas and their customers, Human Resource Capacity, Environmental Consciousness among stakeholders and Partnerships and Collaborations.

Under the new strategic plans, the company has expanded the values to strive towards.

These include,

Customer-Centric: Putting customer first and at the core of the business.

Professionalism: Reliability, Competence, Dependability and Respect.

Innovativeness: Ability to challenge industry norms and provide solutions.

Teamwork: Harnessing contribution of every partner.

 Integrity: Guided by sound moral and ethical principles.

Responsiveness: Providing value within an acceptable time.

Result Oriented: Focus on outcome.

Key achievements

  • Developed Performance Management scheme including policy and tools.
  • Timely implementation of Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
  • Active in Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) activities. • Reviewed and updated the Customer Service Charter. • Adoption and Integration of pro-poor policy in the company’s activities.
  • ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Accreditation of its laboratory services. • Evaluated for the 12th time in a row as the Best performing WSP during the WASREB impact report of 2019/2020.
  • Repayment of loans without defaulting up to date. • Continued provision of services on a 24/7 basis.
  • Water Extension to LIAs and informal settlements