Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Ltd (NYEWASCO) is known in the country and beyond as the best water services provider. This is according to IMPACT REPORT 14 Water Services Utility Performance Report) among 81 utilities in the country for the 14th year in a row.

The second cohort of interns was inducted yesterday on 1st August 2022. The induction exercise which was presided over by the senior management led by the managing director, Eng. Peter Kahuthu whereby 46 candidates were enrolled. The internship programme is a free and fair process which began with advertisement of vacancies.


To ensure a wider circulation, the company took advantage of the robust social media platforms that it enjoys to tap into the targeted audience mainly youth who graduated from 2019 to 2022. The placed interns largely capture the face of Kenya in terms of county of origin, ethnicity, education background   and institutions of origin.

The successful candidates will undergo rigorous training in different divisions of the company with the technical division taking the giant share. The internship period will run for 11 months up to the end of June 2023. Last month, the first cohort of interns graduated into the job market after acquiring useful skills from the programme.