For Mary Wangui Kigia, a resident of Ndurutu Village, Kerichu Division, Nyeri County, Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Ltd is a life saver that shall remain etched in her memory lane. Wangui, a beneficiary of a free water connection is full of life even at her advanced age. The free connection was implemented under the aegis of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through the Pro- Poor department.

NYEWASCO is committed to conducting her business and affairs in a socially responsible, sustainable and meaningful way taking into account ethics, the environment and society at large. The CSR programme is part of the company’s plan to continue to build trust and public confidence through public awareness and strong stake holder engagement. It is also an avenue of embracing responsibility for the impact of the company’s activities on the environment which is why Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Ltd is a big campaigner of Environmental conservation through the “Conserve the Environment today, it will save you tomorrow” imitative. The initiative aims at not only planting, but also growing trees from the seedbed to maturity. The company has established an arboretum at Kiganjo sewer pumping station where over 20,000 trees have been planted in 2021 so far. The arboretum which is projected to be fully operational by 2024, will be open to the public and will host a football pitch for the youth.