NYEWASCO is committed to conducting her business and affairs in a socially responsible, sustainable and meaningful way taking into account ethics, the environment and society at large. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme is part of the company’s plan to continue to build trust and public confidence through public awareness and strong stakeholder engagement. The company also upholds activities that are assist people living in low income areas within its surface area (pro-poor) through the CSR activities.
Yesterday 21/02/2022, the company carried out a CSR activity where the victims of Kiawara fire tragedy who are also our customers were given mattresses and blankets. This will assist them as they rebuild their lives after losing all their belongings to a fire. The Company will also settle water bills for the connections that were in the burnt residences and establish a fire hydrant in the area to ease fire fighting activities in case of an emergency.
The public administration who were represented in the event thanked the company for the donations and continuous support. The beneficiaries also were beside themselves with joy and expressed their gratitude to the management of NYEWASCO for the kind gesture.