Witemere pilot ATM water kiosk is ready and vending water to the residents of Witemere informal settlement in Majengo Sub Location, Nyeri Central Sub County. The water ATM will help the residents to access clean and safe drinking water  in the area. This is in a bid to combat water borne diseases as well as save them time which they use to acquire water for domestic use. This is one of the project that the company has undertaken to improve  universal access to water and sanitation services in low income areas in tandem with her Pro- poor policy.  The constitution of Kenya 2010, United Nations Sustainable Development goal number 6 and Vision 2030 express the right of every citizen to access to clean, safe drinking water. It is in this perspective that NYEWASCO is exploring innovative technology such as automation in water supply so as to ensure quality life to the less privileged members of the society. The Water Atm dispenses a minimum of 10 litres which costs ksh 1 and 20 litres of water at a cost of 2 Kenya shillings. The pricing has been reduced to the bare minimum so as to ensure that the residents of this area afford the water and none of them will be locked out of the program.