In line with the Company’s theme for the tree-planting season, ‘save the environment today and it will save you tomorrow’, and in an effort to contribute towards the Government’s target of achieving 10% forest cover by the end of 2022, Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company organised a tree-planting event in Gatei Sewerage Treatment Plant on 20th May 2022 to create awareness on the challenges of land degradation and the need for land restoration initiatives.
The initiative which was led by the Company’s Managing Director Eng. Peter Kahuthu involved all members of staff who took to the field to plant and water the trees. Nyeri County is the leading County in forest cover having attained the Country’s target of 10%.
Speaking during the exercise, the MD urged all members of staff to engage in tree planting activities even in their own homes. The Company has a target of planting 1 million trees every quarter and nurturing them to maturity. During the event, over 5,000 fruit trees were panted.