The upgrade exercise of the Ruring’u township and rural areas corridor supply network which has been ongoing in phases is still ongoing. The technical team is working on the lower stadium stretch which is approximately 1.0 kilometers. The objective of the upgrade is to increase the volume of water supply to customers in Ruring’u and the adjacent areas which has been informed by an increase in demand. The team is also working on customer meters re alignment, servicing and raising meter covers.
The upgrade has also been necessitated by the regular pipe bursts experienced in this section as a result of the poor state of the PVC pipes.
The exercise involves replacement of old dilapidated PVC and galvanized iron pipes with larger High-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes. This will kill two birds with one stone in that apart from increasing the volume of water to customers, it will also decrease the amount of water lost through pipe bursts and leakages also known as non- revenue water.
Customers in Ruring’u, Kunyiha, Atlas, Florida and Safaricom rural, Wamai, Castro, Stadium B and the adjacent areas are expected to notice an improvement in supply as soon as the upgrade of the section is completed. The company is committed to improving the customer experience in all its services.