Our attention has been drawn to a complaint about a blocked manhole resulting to sewer spillage in Pembe Tatu area. We would like to inform the public and the residents of Pembe Tatu that there is no cause for alarm. This is because the said blockage happened on 14th November 2019. The same was reported to us and we acted promptly and executed the necessary corrective measures on the same day.

Our emergency response team was sent on the location yesterday night (19th November 2019) after receiving the complaint to ascertain whether the sewer was flowing smoothly. Another team visited the same site this morning (20th November 2019) and the findings were that the blockage was rectified last week and it has not recurred. However, the surrounding area has some degree of wetness that can be attributed to the consistent rainfall that we have experienced in the past days and it being a flat area, it has taken a longer time to dry up.

We urge the general public to work with us and report all cases that need our attention directly to us on our emergency phone number 0734732481 to facilitate quick action.

NYEWASCO has an open door policy and we encourage our Customers to communicate to us regularly whenever they spot a matter that needs our attention. This will help us serve you better and we appreciate feedback.