Residents of Chania Village in Githiru Ward, celebrated a transformative milestone following the launch of a domestic water supply project that provided clean, running water to over 40 households. For years, the community had depended on the Chania River, often walking long distances to fetch water for their domestic needs.
The project, which tapped into our main supply line at Marua, was a result of collaboration between County Government of Nyeri, area MCA Hon. Wangechi Njithi, and the local community. The initiative demonstrated a collective commitment to improving access to essential services in underserved areas.
The launch event, held on December 6th, was officiated by Deputy Governor H.E. Kinaniri Waroe on behalf of Governor H.E. Mutahi Kahiga, marked a historic milestone for Chania Village, with significant benefits for residents, including improved health, convenience, and economic opportunities.
With this project we continue to reaffirm our commitment to ensuring equitable water access in Nyeri Central sub-county and beyond. The project has provided direct access to clean water, enabling residents of Githiru to focus on development and other daily activities without the burden of long treks to fetch water.
The joyous occasion was marked by celebrations, as residents expressed their gratitude and optimism for a brighter future. The project is expected to not only ease the daily challenges of water access but also promote better sanitation and hygiene in the village.