The OBA phase 1 project which involved the construction of sewer extension infrastructure is complete. The company has embarked on OBA phase 2 project which involves the physical connections of customer’s households to the sewer line. This is in a bid to increase the sewerage coverage from the current 25% to 35%. The company is committed to improving the sanitation standards of residents of Nyeri-Central Sub County and its environs.

Advantages of the OBA project

  1. a) Upgrading the quality of life

The quality of life and the hygienic conditions where the sewer system operates have already improved. The operation of the sewer system has relieved residents to a great extent from the previous problems of emptying septic tanks every now and then. It has also presented the much needed relief from having to maintain the septic tanks and has provided a much healthier and appropriate way to manage liquid wastes.

  1. b) Preserving the Natural Environment

Previously, sewage waste was discharged into septic tanks which might have caused pollution of the ground water of the areas where such waste was discharged. With the operation of the sewerage system, the waste water is directed to the waste water treatment plant in Kangemi where it is treated and discharged back to the eco system. The company also produces treated sludge which is used as manure by farmers. This has contributed to environmental conservation and promoted the culture of recycling.

  1. c) Increase Revenue

The project targets approximately 3000 households in new sewer connections. In addition to improving the sanitation standards of these households, these new sewer connections will increase the revenue of the company by an estimated Ksh 3 million per month when fully completed.

  1. d) Capacity Building

The staff members who have been working hand in hand with the contractor in the implementation of the project have gained meaningful experience which is helping them in the maintenance of the sewer system.

  1. e) Creation of Employment

One of the conditions given to the contractor undertaking the works of constructing the sewer infrastructure and connecting individual customers to the sewer line was to involve the community in provision of unskilled labour. This has provided a source of income to many young people hence increasing good will from the surrounding community.