The Principal Secretary in the ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation presided over a cheque presentation ceremony of a subsidy worth Ksh 45 million to Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Ltd on 31st January 2020 at the governor’s office, Nyeri.
The company qualified for a subsidy after completion of phase 1 of Output Based Aid project which established infrastructure for sewer extension. The company was required to satisfy laid down requirements by Water Sector Trust Fund first before qualifying for the subsidy, a task it completed successfully. The Chief Executive Officer of WSTF Ismail Fahmy M. Shaiye commended the company for completing OBA 1 project in the recommended time and standards hence qualifying for the same. The company is embarking on the second phase of the OBA project which involves physical connections of individual households to the sewer line. This is in a bid to improve sanitation standards in Nyeri county. Upon completion, the project which is targeting approximately 3000 individual households will increase sewer connections from 25%-30%.
Speaking while receiving the cheque on behalf of the company, Nyeri county governor H.E Hon. Mutahi Kahiga commended the management of NYEWASCO for exemplary leadership exhibited which has seen it maintain the number 1 position for 11 consecutive years according to Water Sector Regulatory Board performance impact report which is published annually. The company is also the reigning Non Revenue Water champions which stands at 14%; the lowest in the country.
On his part, the principal secretary Joseph W. Irungu applauded the company for work well done terming it lightly as a ‘miracle in the water sector’. He urged the management and the entire staff to continue in the same spirit and strive to achieve more as there is always room for improvement.
Also present were members of parliament for Kieni West and Nyeri town Hon. Kanini Kega and Ngunjiri Wambugu respectively, the chairman board of directors Wasreb Hon. Joshua Irungu, CEO WASREB Eng Robert Gakubia, CEO WRA Mohammed M. shurie, chair and CEO NWHA, CEO NIA, Chairman BOD Patrick Munuhe, MD Peter Gichaaga and senior management staff NYEWASCO, CEC Water, Environment, Natural Resources & Sanitation Nyeri county Fred Kinyua and other senior managers from different departments of the ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation.