One of the major issues affecting Water Services Providers is the significant difference between the amount of water produced and directed into the distribution system and the amount of water billed to consumers (also called “non-revenue water” [NRW]). High levels of NRW reflect huge volumes of water being lost through leaks, not being invoiced to customers, or both. This poses two serious setbacks to the WSPs. 1. It affects the financial viability of water utilities 2. It leads to lost revenues and increased operational costs.
It is for this reason that Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Limited puts emphasis on achieving and maintaining a low NRW all year round.
To achieve this, the company has put the following measures in place;
1. Invested in state of the art equipment for leak detection.
2. Ensuring the NRW staffs are well trained in the latest NRW technology.
3. Continuous Customer Education on ways to reduce NRW
4. Open channels of communication between the company and the publics which ensures prompt reports of any leaks and other malpractices.
5. Friendly relations between the company and the publics which enhance a good working relationship.
6.Meter testing ensures accurate reading.
The Company is guided by the fact that the less NRW achieved, the more the water becomes available for our customers.
Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company are the reigning NRW Champions according to the NRW Annual Report 2017/2018. The challenge is on all of us to do more as far as reducing NRW is concerned.

The Ministry of Water and Sanitation and Irrigation has organized a Regional Workshop on NRW Sensitization which is being held today, 14th October 2019 in Laikipia County. The Chairman of the Board of Directors  Patrick K. Munuhe and the Managing Director Peter M. Gichaaga are in attendance.