We are happy to announce that Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Ltd (NYEWASCO) has been ranked number 1 in the IMPACT REPORT 13 ( Water Services Utility Performance Report ) among 81 utilities in the country for the 13th year in a row. It is indeed an honour to us. Being number 1 and maintaining it for 13 years among very competitive sector peers is not a walk in the park. It takes the the effort of men and women who work day and night to deliver exceptional water and sanitation services to the good people of Nyeri Central Sub County and its environs. This success is as a result of collective hard work of our members of staff, management, Board of directors, the County Government of Nyeri, the National Government and all our stakeholders. We would like to thank our esteemed customers who have contributed immensely to our exemplary performance through the years. Your great support has not gone unnoticed especially in this period of COVID-19 pandemic. We thank you especially for your assistance in keeping a close eye water and sewer leaks. This has contributed immensely to our low non revenue water levels which in turn increases the amount of water we deliver to your households. We are also NRW champions in the country which currently stands at 15%compared to the national average and target of 42 and 20 % respectively. We implore our customers to continue being our eyes and ears on the ground. Kindly report any pipe or sewer bursts, blockages, meter vandalism, theft and any other matter that requires our attention through the following communication channels:
1. Facebook@nyewasco
2. Twitter@watee_nyeri
3. Toll free phone number 0800721095
4. Phone number 0734732481
Email info@nyewasco.co.ke We are committed to maintaining our quality of water to the present rating of 100% and continual improvement of all our services and look forward to a great FY 2021/22.