Nyeri Governor HE. Hon. Mutahi Kahiga attributes the good performance of Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Ltd to good corporate governance. He has lauded the board of directors, senior management and the entire staff of NYEWASCO for the exemplary performance of the company for the last 11 years according to the Water Services Regulatory Board performance impact report. The evaluation is done annually. Wasreb is in the county on a utility turn around exercise and paid a courtesy call to H.E the governor. The governor has reiterated his commitment to support all the companies providing clean, safe water to the residents of Nyeri County. He also urged the companies to put more emphasis on re- afforestation and conservation of water towers as a long term solution to water shortages.

NYEWASCO is the reigning NRW champion which stands at 14% at the moment.

The chairman of the board of directors of Wasreb Hon. Joshua Irungu  urged the company to maintain the admirable low levels of NRW and added that they recognize the effort put on the same. He also urged the county government as well as all residents of Nyeri county to conserve the water towers found in the county. Nyeri county is home to the Aberdares and Mt.Kenya water towers.

Speaking at the meeting, the chairman of the board of directors Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Ltd said that his board is committed to the company’s core mandate of providing clean and waste water services efficiently to its customers. He added that the company is on course in implementing the strategic plan 2017/2021. In this regard the company has completed the first phase of OBA1 which established infrastructure for extending sewer connections to more customers. The second phase of the project is ongoing which involves physical connections of customer’s homesteads to the main sewer line. The project is at 80% to completion. Upon completion, it will increase sewer coverage by from an average of 25% to 30% adding approximately 3000 customers to the sewer network.