Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Ltd recently rolled out a pro-poor tariff which  takes care of the people living in Low Income Areas based on the following.

  • In case of no consumption, one will pay a small standing fees of 50 only and not the previously standing charges of Ksh. 368.40 or Ksh. 686.80 equivalent of 10 units in non sewered connections and sewered connections consecutively.
  • The water tariff for water kiosks will remain the same ie. Ksh. 1 for 10 litres.
  • Sewer charges will be reduced for domestic users by charging 75% of the quantity of water consumed. This has been reduced from 100%.
  • The previous tariff charged the same price for sewer and water. The recently implemented tariff is charging a separate rate for sewer which is lower than that of water for all the categories. It is 20% lower on average for the domestic customers.
  • Therefore, Sewer Charges for domestic customers will be reduced to an average 60% of water charges. (i.e. 75% of 80%)
  • Minimum charges for low consumption of up to 6 units is Ksh. 332 for unsewered connections and Sh.50 for sewered connections down from the current Sh.368.40 and Sh.686.80 respectively.
  • For business accounts, minimum charges for consumption up to 6 units is 500 for unsewered connections and Sh. 812 for sewered connections down from the previous Sh.527.70 and Sh. 1005.40 respectively.
  • The tariff will make it possible for the company to upgrade the pipeline to improve water supply to the residents of Kihuyo, Mweiga, Ikumari and Ngangarithi among others.
  • It will enable the company to reduce water losses further to 12%.
  • It will assist the company in putting in place measures to maintain 100% drinking water quality that Nyewasco is known for.
  • This will also enable the company to implement automation of its systems to assure its customers of accurate, timely and consistent billings.
  • This tariff will enable the company to increase its sewer coverage from 28% to 40%.


The cost recovery tariff will enable the company to sustain the achieved service delivery levels in terms of efficiencies and effectiveness across board.

Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Limited is the current holder of the first position which the company has held 12 times in a row according to a performance report by the Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB). The sector regulator (WASREB) releases the report annually.

The regulator continues to develop and roll out a number of guidelines that are geared towards streamlining service provision and ensure the protection of the rights of the consumer. Some of these include; Business Planning, Water and Sanitation Services Provision in Rural and Underserved Areas, Water Safety Planning, Water Vending, Corporate Governance and Pro-Poor Water and Sanitation Services guidelines.

These guidelines serve as the yardstick with which WASREB uses to evaluate the performance of individual Water Services Providers (WSP’s) within one financial year.

Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company scooped the first position with 177 points out the possible 200 points in the most recent report which had the financial year 2018/2019 under review. This was an improvement from 2018/2019 where it scored 163 points. The board of directors, management and all staff of the company is committed to not only maintaining the sector leader position, but also to provide quality water, sanitation and allied services at commercially and economically sustainable levels through the application of outstanding processes and technology to the delight of our customers and other stakeholders.